• https://textile.hot166.com/ Textile Wholesale Price
    https://textile.hot166.com/ Textile Wholesale Price
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  • In the grand canvas of life, failure is an inevitable color. From the repeated falls when we first learn to walk, to the failures in exams during our studies, and then to the setbacks in projects while striving in the workplace, failure is like a shadow, always following us. It always seems to appear unexpectedly, pouring cold water on our enthusiasm and plunging us into temporary depression and self - doubt.
    However, we must understand that failure is a normal part of life. Thomas Edison experienced over 1,000 failures in the process of inventing the electric light. Each failure meant that his previous efforts did not achieve the expected results, but he was not discouraged. He regarded each failure as a step closer to success, constantly summarized experience, and adjusted the experimental plan. It was precisely this correct understanding and calm acceptance of failure that enabled him to finally bring light to the world.
    Similarly, basketball superstar Michael Jordan's career was not all smooth sailing. He missed many crucial shots in games and also suffered defeats in the playoffs. But Jordan never regarded failure as the end, but as an opportunity to improve himself. Through continuous training, he enhanced his skills and mental qualities and finally became a legend in basketball history.
    When we encounter failure, we don't have to take it too hard. Excessive self - blame and remorse cannot change the facts that have already happened. Instead, they will consume our energy and make us sink into negative emotions. What we should do is quickly adjust our mindset and regain confidence. Confidence is like a torch in the dark, which can light up our way forward. It is also the source of inner strength that gives us the courage to face future challenges.
    The future is full of uncertainties, and challenges will come one after another. But as long as we have confidence and regard failure as a stepping - stone to growth, we will surely be able to overcome numerous obstacles and achieve our goals. Whether it is pursuing personal dreams or achieving success in our careers, confidence will be our most powerful weapon.
    So, when failure comes again, tell yourself: This is just a small episode in life. Dust yourself off, regain confidence, and bravely meet future challenges, because after the wind and rain, a gorgeous rainbow will surely come.
    In the grand canvas of life, failure is an inevitable color. From the repeated falls when we first learn to walk, to the failures in exams during our studies, and then to the setbacks in projects while striving in the workplace, failure is like a shadow, always following us. It always seems to appear unexpectedly, pouring cold water on our enthusiasm and plunging us into temporary depression and self - doubt. However, we must understand that failure is a normal part of life. Thomas Edison experienced over 1,000 failures in the process of inventing the electric light. Each failure meant that his previous efforts did not achieve the expected results, but he was not discouraged. He regarded each failure as a step closer to success, constantly summarized experience, and adjusted the experimental plan. It was precisely this correct understanding and calm acceptance of failure that enabled him to finally bring light to the world. Similarly, basketball superstar Michael Jordan's career was not all smooth sailing. He missed many crucial shots in games and also suffered defeats in the playoffs. But Jordan never regarded failure as the end, but as an opportunity to improve himself. Through continuous training, he enhanced his skills and mental qualities and finally became a legend in basketball history. When we encounter failure, we don't have to take it too hard. Excessive self - blame and remorse cannot change the facts that have already happened. Instead, they will consume our energy and make us sink into negative emotions. What we should do is quickly adjust our mindset and regain confidence. Confidence is like a torch in the dark, which can light up our way forward. It is also the source of inner strength that gives us the courage to face future challenges. The future is full of uncertainties, and challenges will come one after another. But as long as we have confidence and regard failure as a stepping - stone to growth, we will surely be able to overcome numerous obstacles and achieve our goals. Whether it is pursuing personal dreams or achieving success in our careers, confidence will be our most powerful weapon. So, when failure comes again, tell yourself: This is just a small episode in life. Dust yourself off, regain confidence, and bravely meet future challenges, because after the wind and rain, a gorgeous rainbow will surely come.
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  • https://news.hot166.com/tw/可口可樂飲料驗出高含量氯酸鹽-歐洲大規模回收
    可口可樂飲料驗出高含量氯酸鹽 歐洲大規模回收
    可口可樂。(路透社)(中央社布魯塞爾27日綜合外電報導)可口可樂公司(Coca-Cola)歐洲裝瓶部門今天表示,由於檢測到可能對健康構成風險的氯酸鹽含量過高,已下令對旗下可樂(Coke)、雪碧(Sprite)等飲料進行大規模回收。可口可樂歐洲太平洋夥伴(Coca-Cola Europacific Partners)比利時分公司告訴法新社,可口可樂公司表示,氯酸鹽含量過高的罐裝和瓶裝飲料從去年11月起被分銷到比利時、荷蘭、英國、德國、法國和盧森堡。可口可樂公司提到涉及的飲料數量時指出,「我們並未掌握確切數據,但可以知道的是數量相當可觀」。氯酸鹽源於廣泛用於水處理及食品加工過程中的氯類消毒劑,可在食品中檢測到。歐洲食品安全局(European Food Safety Authority)2015年發布科學觀點指出,長期暴露於氯酸鹽可能對兒童構成潛在健康風險,特別是輕度或中度缺碘的兒童。可口可樂歐洲太平洋夥伴比利時分公司表示:「大部分受影響且未售出的產品已經從商店下架,我們繼續採取措施將所有剩餘產品從市場上移除。」不過可口可樂歐洲太平洋夥伴法國分公司表示,獨立專家分析「認為相關風險的可能性非常低」。可口可樂公司指出:「我們尚未針對此事收到消費者任何投訴。」透過 Google News追蹤中央社可口可樂公司補充表示,受影響的可樂和飛想茶(Fuze Tea)批次已交付法國,但目前回收令並不適用於法國市場。可口可樂歐洲太平洋夥伴為回收致歉,並指出此事是在比利時根特(Ghent)的生產基地進行例行檢查時發現。(譯者:李佩珊/核稿:徐睿承)1140128
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  • Yankees’ Mariano Rivera and Wife Accused of Covering Up Child Sex Abuse #breaking https://news.hot166.com/yankees-mariano-rivera-and-wife-accused-of-covering-up-child-sex-abuse
    Yankees’ Mariano Rivera and Wife Accused of Covering Up Child Sex Abuse #breaking https://news.hot166.com/yankees-mariano-rivera-and-wife-accused-of-covering-up-child-sex-abuse
    Yankees’ Mariano Rivera and Wife Accused of Covering Up Child Sex Abuse
    (Photo by James Devaney/WireImage) Yankees Hall of Famer Mariano Rivera and his wife, Clara Rivera, have been accused of covering up child sexual abuse in their home and at their church. The allegations were made against Mariano, 55, and Clara in a lawsuit filed in New York on Thursday, January 16. The complaint, filed in […]
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  • Katy Perry Keeps Old Pregnancy Test Next to Orlando Bloom's Legolas Ears https://news.hot166.com/katy-perry-keeps-old-pregnancy-test-next-to-orlando-blooms-legolas-ears #breaking
    Katy Perry Keeps Old Pregnancy Test Next to Orlando Bloom's Legolas Ears https://news.hot166.com/katy-perry-keeps-old-pregnancy-test-next-to-orlando-blooms-legolas-ears #breaking
    Katy Perry Keeps Old Pregnancy Test Next to Orlando Bloom's Legolas Ears
    Axelle/Bauer-Griffin/FilmMagic Katy Perry is still holding onto her positive pregnancy test from when she and Orlando Bloom welcomed daughter Daisy — and she keeps it in a unique spot. “Here is my pee stick test for when I conceived my daughter Daisy Dove Bloom,” Perry, 40, said in a Wednesday, January 22, video interview with […]
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  • #breaking Ex-US Army lawyer jailed for destroying DoD materials
    #breaking Ex-US Army lawyer jailed for destroying DoD materials https://news.hot166.com/ex-us-army-lawyer-jailed-for-destroying-dod-materials
    Ex-US Army lawyer jailed for destroying DoD materials
    Manfredo Martin-Michael Madrigal III has been sentenced to 54 months for willfully deleting army materials Read Full Article at RT.com
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    黃國昌號召1/11司法節街頭集結 對抗綠色威權
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  • https://news.hot166.com/zh/吉米卡特在台湾问题上的功与过
    【文/观察者网专栏作者 孙太一】 当地时间12月29日,美国前总统吉米·卡特在位于佐治亚州的家中去世,享年100岁。 从中国的角度来看,卡特总统可能是美国迄今为止对台海局势影响最大、最为深远的总统。 虽然尼克松在1972年访华时签订的《上海公报》中表示美方“认识到,在台湾海峡两边的所有中国人都认为只有一个中国,台湾是中国的一部分,美国政府对这一立场不提出异议”是里程碑式的,但他1974年因水门事件下台了。 而基辛格同年访华时提出的以“日本方式”解决中美关系正常化的相关前提条件,又是中方无法接受的,所以中美两国关系正常化及相关的涉台谈判在福特时期也未取得实质性进展。虽然美方在这个时期先后终止和废除了美台一些法案和决议,也从台湾撤出了最后一批战斗机和全部地勤人员。 历史的契机,因此摆在了1977年上台的卡特面前。 美国前总统吉米·卡特 资料图:AP 卡特敏锐地捕捉到当时全球局势的变化,尤其是苏联迅速扩张的势头和中国在国际社会中地位的显著提升。1978年5月20日,卡特授权时任美国家安全顾问布热津斯基访华,向中方明确表示了美国反对苏联谋求全球和地区霸权的立场,以及实现与中国关系正常化的决心,且愿意接受中方所提的中美关系正常化三原则,即从台湾“撤军”并与台湾“断交、废约”(也就是终止美台之间的“共同防御条约”)。 很显然,卡特不仅了解中美之间的共同利益,更是看到了大势所趋。根据《卡特回忆录》的叙述,他给出中美建交、并与台“撤军、断交、废约”的理由主要有四: 1.中美建交可以共同防苏、制苏。 2.中美对于核武器的政策相同,有利于限武谈判。 3.中美建交可以促进美国与第三世界国家之间的和平与了解。 4.在贸易政策上,可给予最惠国待遇,借以平衡对苏关系。 这四点理由几乎都是从战略层面、通过结构性的视角做出的判断,涉及到中、美、苏三角关系中的互相制约、核威慑带来的战略平衡、不同发展阶段国家集合之间的互动,以及经贸层面的动态博弈。 卡特同时也深知要处理好中美之间的核心问题——台湾。为此,无论是在战略层面还是战术层面,他也做出了不少努力。 比如,卡特深知府院同步对美国涉台政策制定的重要性,于是在完成中美建交相关的准备工作之后,1978年12月15日晚6时左右,卡特邀请了当时国会两院的资深议员赴白宫聚餐,在用餐时向现场的各位通报了决定中美建交、并将在第二天宣布一事。为了避免这些议员提前走漏风声,导致节外生枝,在聚餐结束之后卡特留了现场所有议员在白宫过夜,直到第二天上午记者招待会顺利进行之后,才放这些议员离开。 同样地,卡特政府对台湾方面也用了一些手腕,在对外宣布相关消息之前差不多7个小时,才派当时“美驻华大使”安克志(Leonards Unger)联络蒋经国的秘书宋楚瑜,宣读了卡特致蒋经国的信函,传达了相关消息。这让蒋经国当局措手不及,没有了扭转态势的回旋余地。 1979年1月29日,邓小平在美国华盛顿肯尼迪中心观看表演时与美国总统卡特一起向观众致意 当然,卡特的涉台政治遗产仍有很大的局限性,也给后人留下了棘手的问题与挑战。 首先,《中美建交公报》当中重申了1972年《上海公报》里的各项协议和原则,却在两处不同的表达“承认”“认识到”的地方选择了两个不同的英文单词:在表达“承认中华人民共和国是中国的唯一合法政府”时,文件选择了“recognize”这个词,但在有关台湾问题的部分,却沿袭了《上海公报》里的“acknowledge”这词。 后来美方对此一直与中方有异议,表示美方只是“认识到中国的立场,即只有一个中国,台湾是中国的一部分”,并解释称“认识到”并不代表“承认”。这也是一直到今天,美方只愿意表述自己的“一个中国政策”没有改变,却很少详细去解读究竟这个“一个中国政策”是什么的根本原因。因为一解释,美方就会说一贯以来都仅仅是“认识到”而非“承认”。这是卡特政府留给台湾问题的一大挑战。 其次,卡特面临的府院环境虽然不一定像今天这么恶劣,却依旧困难重重。为了能平衡美国国内各方的立场与压力,在《中美建交公报》发表一周后,美国务院派专员向台湾做出了五项“保证”: 1.美国仍认为台湾有所谓“国际身份”或“国际人格”; 2.美国没有承认中共对台湾拥有主权; 3.美国继续同台湾保持外交关系以外的全面关系; 4.原来美国与台湾共有59项条约,在“共同防御条约”被废除之后,其他58项针对美国与台湾关系的条约仍然有效,是美台关系的基础,将另以立法替代,只会作形式上的改变; 5.将以新的交流形式来取代原有的“外交”代表机构。 虽然这些违背《中美建交公报》意志的“保证”并不一定是卡特个人的诉求,但这已经反映了要让美国领导人向中方表达善意,尤其是在府院互相制衡、各方又都不愿意过度消耗政治资本的情况下,是多么地困难。 1979年1月26日,也就是中美建交还不到四周,卡特政府向国会提交了一份“台湾授权法案”,建议设立一个协会或办事处之类的非官方机构,以完成对台五项“保证”里的相关内容。而这一提案在经过近3个月的国会辩论及表决之后,在4月由卡特签署,成为了最终的“与台湾关系法”,大体上为美对台的五项“保证“提供了法理依据。 很遗憾的是,“与台湾关系法”中涉及“保证台湾安全”的条款,甚至比“共同防御条约”更为有力,尤其是原来的所谓“美台共同防御条约”还属于国际法范畴,现在替代它的“与台湾关系法”则变成了美国的国内法,华盛顿可以自行其是。整个过程,有点像是与中国大陆“明修栈道”,又与台湾“暗度陈仓”。 当然,卡特作为“中国人民的老朋友”,在整个过程中还是采取了一些积极的、对之后几十年限制“台独”行动有益的措施。这当中就包括严格限制美台政治关系只能是非官方性质的,不允许美政府高层官员在办公室会见“台湾驻美机构代表”,在中美建交后的四个月里从台湾撤出了美方余留的军事人员,并主张中国人民通过和平方式解决台湾问题等。 总体而言,虽然遗留了一些棘手的问题,但卡特推动下的中美建交使美台关系发生了根本性的改变,塑造了美国当今的“一个中国政策”。作为回应,中国大陆也完成了从原来“解放台湾”到现在“和平统一”方针的重大转变。 反观今日,赖清德等政客屡屡挑战几十年来各方用智慧斡旋换来的和平与稳定,打“台独”的擦边球;拜登政府虽然依旧遵循卡特以来美台关系非官方性质的惯例,却也沿袭了特朗普时期开始的用“与台湾关系法”和“六项保证”夹着中美三个联合公报的表述,试图进一步将其“一个中国政策”空心化;美国国会更是肆无忌惮地试探台海问题的红线和底线。 在卡特百岁逝世之际,在特朗普即将开启第二任期的今天,我们是不是该重新回顾一下卡特以来中美之间在磕磕绊绊下好不容易才得来的成果,以及在复杂环境中平衡各方诉求、但同时也推动关系前进的艺术? 本文系观察者网独家稿件,文章内容纯属作者个人观点,不代表平台观点,未经授权,不得转载,否则将追究法律责任。关注观察者网微信guanchacn,每日阅读趣味文章。
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    Sen. Brian Schatz said that some of VP Kamala Harris' language throughout her campaign was unfamiliar to normal Americans and encouraged Dems to stop using "weird" words.
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