• 《西澳洲人报》2月6日报道,为了抗议专制的工党政府,一位上议院议员正式将自 己的名字改为“特朗普”(Austin Trump)。

    这位议员原名Ben Dawkins,他在社交平台“X”分享了来自出生、死亡和婚姻登记处 的官方通知,在下个月即将举行的西澳州选举前完成了改名。

    他现在的新名字是Austin Letts Trump,这一改变已在议会网站上得到更新。

    这也意味着,在3月8日的选举中,他将以“Aussie Trump”的名字出现在上议院选票 上,以独立身份竞选连任。
    《西澳洲人报》2月6日报道,为了抗议专制的工党政府,一位上议院议员正式将自 己的名字改为“特朗普”(Austin Trump)。 这位议员原名Ben Dawkins,他在社交平台“X”分享了来自出生、死亡和婚姻登记处 的官方通知,在下个月即将举行的西澳州选举前完成了改名。 他现在的新名字是Austin Letts Trump,这一改变已在议会网站上得到更新。 这也意味着,在3月8日的选举中,他将以“Aussie Trump”的名字出现在上议院选票 上,以独立身份竞选连任。
    0 評論 ·0 股票 ·621 視圖 ·0 點評
  • 又有台灣籍遊客在日本偷拍!京都府下京署警局4日逮捕了一名男子,他涉嫌在一處購物中心的手扶梯上偷拍女生裙底,受害女性發現後大聲尖叫,男子被工作人員當場抓獲。



    又有台灣籍遊客在日本偷拍!京都府下京署警局4日逮捕了一名男子,他涉嫌在一處購物中心的手扶梯上偷拍女生裙底,受害女性發現後大聲尖叫,男子被工作人員當場抓獲。 據京都新聞報導,這起偷拍事件發生在當地時間4日下午5點35分左右。當時一名男子涉嫌在京都市下京區一家購物中心的手扶梯上,以藏在包包裡的手機偷拍前方女性的裙底。受害女性發現後大聲尖叫引來周圍民眾注意,該男子嚇到逃跑,但隨即就被購物中心的工作人員給逮個正著。 據警方表示,嫌犯自稱是來自台灣的觀光客,今年30歲,職業是投資者。警方以違反《性攝影處罰法》將其逮捕。 這已是近期第二起類似案件。上月30日,一名24歲的台灣觀光客在北海道似幾乎相同的手法偷拍一名少女的裙底,所幸有熱心民眾發現後當場協助逮人,並打電話報警;警察隨即趕赴現場,逮捕該名男子。 日本是國人最喜愛造訪的國家之一,過年期間更是有大批民眾到日本遊玩。只是在國外竟然做出違法行為,不但可能吃上牢飯,恐怕也將重創台灣形象。https://x.com/kyoto_np/status/1886971944689655886
    0 評論 ·0 股票 ·957 視圖 ·0 點評
  • 华尔街周一紧张评估“DeepSeek风暴”之际,这家中国公司再度甩出新品:在图像生成基准测试中超越OpenAI“文生图”模型DALL-E 3的多模态大模型Janus-Pro,同样也是开源的。
    华尔街周一紧张评估“DeepSeek风暴”之际,这家中国公司再度甩出新品:在图像生成基准测试中超越OpenAI“文生图”模型DALL-E 3的多模态大模型Janus-Pro,同样也是开源的。
    · 0 評論 ·0 股票 ·355 視圖 ·0 點評
  • 【關稅核彈炸裂美洲!川普「50%懲罰性射擊」引爆哥倫比亞金融巷戰】


    「這些空中囚車威脅美國國安血管!」川普在Truth Social連發12條全大寫貼文,怒斥哥倫比亞總統裴卓(Gustavo Petro)臨時撤銷軍機降落許可證是「背信式突襲」。白宮戰情室火速激活制裁方程式:除關稅砲火覆蓋咖啡、鮮花、祖母綠等哥國命脈產業,更鎖定該國在紐約聯儲的32億美元黃金儲備實施智能凍結。





    隨著哥倫比亞央行啟動「去美元化」緊急預案,要求對華石油貿易改採人民幣結算,北京突然成為這場美洲熱戰的隱形贏家。地緣政治風險諮詢公司Eurasia Group警告,若川普續推「關稅雪崩戰術」,恐觸發拉美左翼聯盟集體倒向金磚體系,重演1970年代石油危機期的全球權力板塊震盪。當軍用運輸機的引擎聲與關稅計算機的鍵擊聲在安第斯山脈共鳴,一場改寫西半球秩序的經濟熱戰已全面開機。
    【關稅核彈炸裂美洲!川普「50%懲罰性射擊」引爆哥倫比亞金融巷戰】 當空載遣返移民的C-17運輸機在加勒比海上空盤旋時,華府與波哥大的外交火藥庫已被全面點燃。川普政府26日祭出「三維制裁風暴」,對哥倫比亞發動史上最強經濟戰——24小時內兩度升級關稅戰火,從25%懲罰性關稅直衝50%天險,同步凍結該國央行在美資產,更對145名政府高官實施簽證封殺。這場因移民人權爭議引爆的金融核爆,正將美國最忠實的拉美盟友推向全面對抗。 **鋼鐵制裁VS香蕉反擊** 「這些空中囚車威脅美國國安血管!」川普在Truth Social連發12條全大寫貼文,怒斥哥倫比亞總統裴卓(Gustavo Petro)臨時撤銷軍機降落許可證是「背信式突襲」。白宮戰情室火速激活制裁方程式:除關稅砲火覆蓋咖啡、鮮花、祖母綠等哥國命脈產業,更鎖定該國在紐約聯儲的32億美元黃金儲備實施智能凍結。 哥倫比亞旋即啟動「香蕉反擊戰」,宣布對美輸口農機與醫療設備課徵50%報復關稅。經濟學家估算,這場雙向關稅對轟將使兩國年度貿易額280億美元的動脈瞬間栓塞,尤其衝擊美國中西部農業帶與佛州進出口港。 **移民人權成地緣槓桿** 「這不是運輸機航線之爭,而是新冷戰秩序下的代理人戰爭。」前美國南方司令部司令理查森分析,哥倫比亞效仿墨西哥拒當「移民緩衝國」,實則測試拜登時代「友岸外包」政策的底線。值得關注的是,裴卓在X平台PO出C-17駕駛艙通訊紀錄,揭露美方軍機從加州起飛10小時後才被告知降落許可撤銷,直指此舉是「21世紀強制遣返的空中陷阱」。 美國國務院緊急滅火聲明遭哥國外交部長反嗆「帝國主義劇本」,匿名五角大廈官員更透露,被拒降的運輸機載有83名遭剝奪庇護資格的委內瑞拉移民,機組人員最終被迫轉降關塔那摩基地。此人權爭議點燃拉美22國聯署抗議,智利總統更痛批:「北美強權正把加勒比海變成新種族隔離牆。」 **自由貿易協定瀕臨腦死** 法新社獨家取得的美哥FTA修約談判文本顯示,川普團隊要求新增「移民執法合作條款」,授權美方隨時徵用簽約國機場進行「機動遣返」。此霸王條款被視為壓垮駱駝的最後根稻草,促使波哥大當局不惜玉石俱焚。 隨著哥倫比亞央行啟動「去美元化」緊急預案,要求對華石油貿易改採人民幣結算,北京突然成為這場美洲熱戰的隱形贏家。地緣政治風險諮詢公司Eurasia Group警告,若川普續推「關稅雪崩戰術」,恐觸發拉美左翼聯盟集體倒向金磚體系,重演1970年代石油危機期的全球權力板塊震盪。當軍用運輸機的引擎聲與關稅計算機的鍵擊聲在安第斯山脈共鳴,一場改寫西半球秩序的經濟熱戰已全面開機。
    · 0 評論 ·0 股票 ·283 視圖 ·0 點評
  • 當川普(Donald Trump)的總統就職典禮遇上矽谷頂級富豪圈,華府權力殿堂瞬間化作科技巨頭的時尚競技場。美東時間1月20日的國會大廈圓形大廳內,特斯拉執行長馬斯克(Elon Musk)與亞馬遜創辦人貝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)的世紀同框本該聚焦全球目光,卻被後者未婚妻桑切斯(Lauren Sanchez)一襲「爆乳戰袍」搶盡鋒頭——這場價值兆億美元的政治走秀,意外演變成人工智慧教父與維多利亞秘密天使的跨界對決。

    《紐約郵報》獨家直擊,前新聞主播桑切斯以顛覆白宮傳統的「鏤空戰略」驚艷全場。當她褪去米白色絨毛大衣,露出由透視蕾絲馬甲與立體剪裁西裝構成的「行動雕塑」時,不僅令現場賓客倒抽冷氣,更讓隔著兩個座位的Meta執行長祖克柏(Mark Zuckerberg)陷入「視覺演算法危機」。資深時尚評論家指出,這套造價逾3萬美元的訂製戰袍,精準踩中「權力性感」的黃金交叉點:左肩的建築感墊肩象徵科技霸權,右胸的透視網紗則暗喻資訊流動——直到祖克柏被鏡頭捕捉到0.3秒的「視覺停留」,才揭穿這根本是場精心設計的注意力經濟實驗。

    相較之下,普莉希拉・陳(Priscilla Chan)選擇以雙層珍珠項鍊配襯全扣羊毛套裝,被時尚界解讀為「新矽谷淑女範本」。這對科技妯娌的造型對決,恰似人工智慧領域的兩大流派交鋒:桑切斯代表激進的生成式突破,普莉希拉則堅守嚴謹的演算法倫理。


    隨著#CyberSiren(數位海妖)標籤持續發酵,時尚史學家翻出1998年莫妮卡·萊溫斯基(Monica Lewinsky)的深V洋裝事件比對,驚覺兩者皆發生在民主共和政權交替時刻。這或許印證了華府永恆的潛規則——政治紅毯的每一寸布料,都是丈量權力光譜的隱形游標卡尺。當桑切斯在西裝裡藏著整個數位時代的慾望隱喻,誰又能斷言,那0.3秒的視線偏移,不會成為改寫科技政治史的第一塊骨牌?
    當川普(Donald Trump)的總統就職典禮遇上矽谷頂級富豪圈,華府權力殿堂瞬間化作科技巨頭的時尚競技場。美東時間1月20日的國會大廈圓形大廳內,特斯拉執行長馬斯克(Elon Musk)與亞馬遜創辦人貝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)的世紀同框本該聚焦全球目光,卻被後者未婚妻桑切斯(Lauren Sanchez)一襲「爆乳戰袍」搶盡鋒頭——這場價值兆億美元的政治走秀,意外演變成人工智慧教父與維多利亞秘密天使的跨界對決。 矽谷后冠爭奪戰:蕾絲馬甲VS珍珠項鍊 《紐約郵報》獨家直擊,前新聞主播桑切斯以顛覆白宮傳統的「鏤空戰略」驚艷全場。當她褪去米白色絨毛大衣,露出由透視蕾絲馬甲與立體剪裁西裝構成的「行動雕塑」時,不僅令現場賓客倒抽冷氣,更讓隔著兩個座位的Meta執行長祖克柏(Mark Zuckerberg)陷入「視覺演算法危機」。資深時尚評論家指出,這套造價逾3萬美元的訂製戰袍,精準踩中「權力性感」的黃金交叉點:左肩的建築感墊肩象徵科技霸權,右胸的透視網紗則暗喻資訊流動——直到祖克柏被鏡頭捕捉到0.3秒的「視覺停留」,才揭穿這根本是場精心設計的注意力經濟實驗。 相較之下,普莉希拉・陳(Priscilla Chan)選擇以雙層珍珠項鍊配襯全扣羊毛套裝,被時尚界解讀為「新矽谷淑女範本」。這對科技妯娌的造型對決,恰似人工智慧領域的兩大流派交鋒:桑切斯代表激進的生成式突破,普莉希拉則堅守嚴謹的演算法倫理。 眼球經濟學的勝利? 這場「胸器外交」旋即引爆社群海嘯,X平台相關標籤12小時內累積2.7億次瀏覽。有網友戲稱這是「矽谷游擊式行銷」,直指桑切斯根本穿著「亞馬遜Prime限定版戰甲」;政治評論員則憂心忡忡表示:「當國會山莊變成伸展台,華府權力遊戲的規則正在被改寫。」值得玩味的是,貝佐斯全程以「科技教父の微笑」護航未婚妻,彷彿在示範如何將八卦流量轉化為資本話語權。 隨著#CyberSiren(數位海妖)標籤持續發酵,時尚史學家翻出1998年莫妮卡·萊溫斯基(Monica Lewinsky)的深V洋裝事件比對,驚覺兩者皆發生在民主共和政權交替時刻。這或許印證了華府永恆的潛規則——政治紅毯的每一寸布料,都是丈量權力光譜的隱形游標卡尺。當桑切斯在西裝裡藏著整個數位時代的慾望隱喻,誰又能斷言,那0.3秒的視線偏移,不會成為改寫科技政治史的第一塊骨牌?
    · 0 評論 ·0 股票 ·467 視圖 ·0 點評

  • Diet plays a significant role in determining life expectancy through several mechanisms:

    Nutrient Intake:
    Vitamins and Minerals: Essential for maintaining bodily functions. Deficiencies can lead to diseases like scurvy (vitamin C), rickets (vitamin D), or anemia (iron).
    Macronutrients: The balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats affects health outcomes. For instance, excessive carbohydrate intake, particularly from refined sources, can increase the risk of obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.
    Chronic Disease Prevention:
    Heart Disease: Diets rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins (e.g., Mediterranean diet) are linked with lower incidences of heart disease. High consumption of trans fats and sodium can increase risks.
    Cancer: Certain foods might reduce cancer risk; for example, diets high in fiber might decrease the risk of colorectal cancer, while diets high in red and processed meats might increase it.
    Diabetes: High fiber diets can help in managing blood sugar levels, thus reducing the risk or severity of type 2 diabetes. Conversely, high sugar intake can contribute to insulin resistance.
    Weight Management:
    Caloric intake versus energy expenditure directly affects weight. Obesity, often resulting from poor diet choices, is a significant risk factor for numerous diseases, reducing life expectancy.
    Longevity and Aging:
    Antioxidants: Foods rich in antioxidants (berries, nuts, green leafy vegetables) might combat oxidative stress, which is linked to aging and disease.
    Caloric Restriction: Some studies suggest that caloric restriction might increase lifespan by reducing metabolic rate and thus slowing aging processes.
    Gut Health:
    A diet rich in fiber and fermented foods promotes a healthy gut microbiome, which is increasingly recognized for its role in immune function, mental health, and potentially longevity.
    Diets high in processed foods, sugars, and saturated fats can promote chronic inflammation, which is a risk factor for many diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers. Anti-inflammatory diets (rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants) can mitigate these risks.
    Genetic and Environmental Interaction:
    Diet can influence how genes are expressed (epigenetics). For example, certain dietary patterns might suppress or enhance genetic predispositions to diseases.
    Cognitive Health:
    Nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins are linked with better cognitive function as we age, potentially reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's.

    In summary, a balanced diet emphasizing whole foods, fiber, lean proteins, healthy fats, and a variety of fruits and vegetables can significantly extend life expectancy by preventing chronic diseases, managing weight, reducing inflammation, and supporting overall bodily functions. However, diet is one part of a broader lifestyle approach to health that also includes physical activity, sleep quality, stress management, and social connections.

    Disclaimer: Grok is not a doctor; please consult one. Don't share information that can identify you.
    Diet plays a significant role in determining life expectancy through several mechanisms: Nutrient Intake: Vitamins and Minerals: Essential for maintaining bodily functions. Deficiencies can lead to diseases like scurvy (vitamin C), rickets (vitamin D), or anemia (iron). Macronutrients: The balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats affects health outcomes. For instance, excessive carbohydrate intake, particularly from refined sources, can increase the risk of obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. Chronic Disease Prevention: Heart Disease: Diets rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins (e.g., Mediterranean diet) are linked with lower incidences of heart disease. High consumption of trans fats and sodium can increase risks. Cancer: Certain foods might reduce cancer risk; for example, diets high in fiber might decrease the risk of colorectal cancer, while diets high in red and processed meats might increase it. Diabetes: High fiber diets can help in managing blood sugar levels, thus reducing the risk or severity of type 2 diabetes. Conversely, high sugar intake can contribute to insulin resistance. Weight Management: Caloric intake versus energy expenditure directly affects weight. Obesity, often resulting from poor diet choices, is a significant risk factor for numerous diseases, reducing life expectancy. Longevity and Aging: Antioxidants: Foods rich in antioxidants (berries, nuts, green leafy vegetables) might combat oxidative stress, which is linked to aging and disease. Caloric Restriction: Some studies suggest that caloric restriction might increase lifespan by reducing metabolic rate and thus slowing aging processes. Gut Health: A diet rich in fiber and fermented foods promotes a healthy gut microbiome, which is increasingly recognized for its role in immune function, mental health, and potentially longevity. Inflammation: Diets high in processed foods, sugars, and saturated fats can promote chronic inflammation, which is a risk factor for many diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers. Anti-inflammatory diets (rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants) can mitigate these risks. Genetic and Environmental Interaction: Diet can influence how genes are expressed (epigenetics). For example, certain dietary patterns might suppress or enhance genetic predispositions to diseases. Cognitive Health: Nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins are linked with better cognitive function as we age, potentially reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's. In summary, a balanced diet emphasizing whole foods, fiber, lean proteins, healthy fats, and a variety of fruits and vegetables can significantly extend life expectancy by preventing chronic diseases, managing weight, reducing inflammation, and supporting overall bodily functions. However, diet is one part of a broader lifestyle approach to health that also includes physical activity, sleep quality, stress management, and social connections. Disclaimer: Grok is not a doctor; please consult one. Don't share information that can identify you.
    0 評論 ·0 股票 ·521 視圖 ·0 點評
  • BREAKING: Trump Takes Question After Question From Business Titans At World Economic Forum In Davos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyIy3Wqx_Js
    BREAKING: Trump Takes Question After Question From Business Titans At World Economic Forum In Davos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyIy3Wqx_Js
    · 0 評論 ·1 股票 ·597 視圖 ·0 點評

    Every single day I will be fighting for you with every breath in my body. I will not rest until we have delivered the strong, safe and prosperous America that our children deserve and that you deserve. This will truly be the golden age of America.
    AMERICA IS BACK. 🇺🇸 Every single day I will be fighting for you with every breath in my body. I will not rest until we have delivered the strong, safe and prosperous America that our children deserve and that you deserve. This will truly be the golden age of America.
    0 評論 ·0 股票 ·189 視圖 ·0 點評
  • We just won a Historic Landslide and Mandate from the American People, but Senate Democrats are organizing to improperly stall and delay the confirmation process of many of our Great Nominees. They will try all sorts of tricks starting very soon. Republicans must not allow them to do that. We have a Country to run, and many big problems to solve, mostly created by Democrats. REPUBLICANS, BE SMART AND TOUGH!!!
    We just won a Historic Landslide and Mandate from the American People, but Senate Democrats are organizing to improperly stall and delay the confirmation process of many of our Great Nominees. They will try all sorts of tricks starting very soon. Republicans must not allow them to do that. We have a Country to run, and many big problems to solve, mostly created by Democrats. REPUBLICANS, BE SMART AND TOUGH!!!
    0 評論 ·0 股票 ·188 視圖 ·0 點評
  • Our Country is a disaster, a laughing stock all over the World! This is what happens when you have OPEN BORDERS, with weak, ineffective, and virtually nonexistent leadership. The DOJ, FBI, and Democrat state and local prosecutors have not done their job. They are incompetent and corrupt, having spent all of their waking hours unlawfully attacking their political opponent, ME, rather than focusing on protecting Americans from the outside and inside violent SCUM that has infiltrated all aspects of our government, and our Nation itself. Democrats should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this to happen to our Country. The CIA must get involved, NOW, before it is too late. The USA is breaking down - A violent erosion of Safety, National Security, and Democracy is taking place all across our Nation. Only strength and powerful leadership will stop it. See you on January 20th. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
    Our Country is a disaster, a laughing stock all over the World! This is what happens when you have OPEN BORDERS, with weak, ineffective, and virtually nonexistent leadership. The DOJ, FBI, and Democrat state and local prosecutors have not done their job. They are incompetent and corrupt, having spent all of their waking hours unlawfully attacking their political opponent, ME, rather than focusing on protecting Americans from the outside and inside violent SCUM that has infiltrated all aspects of our government, and our Nation itself. Democrats should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this to happen to our Country. The CIA must get involved, NOW, before it is too late. The USA is breaking down - A violent erosion of Safety, National Security, and Democracy is taking place all across our Nation. Only strength and powerful leadership will stop it. See you on January 20th. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
    0 評論 ·0 股票 ·420 視圖 ·0 點評
  • Members of Congress are getting to work on one powerful Bill that will bring our Country back, and make it greater than ever before. We must Secure our Border, Unleash American Energy, and Renew the Trump Tax Cuts, which were the largest in History, but we will make it even better - NO TAX ON TIPS. IT WILL ALL BE MADE UP WITH TARIFFS, AND MUCH MORE, FROM COUNTRIES THAT HAVE TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF THE U.S. FOR YEARS. Republicans must unite, and quickly deliver these Historic Victories for the American People. Get smart, tough, and send the Bill to my desk to sign as soon as possible. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
    Members of Congress are getting to work on one powerful Bill that will bring our Country back, and make it greater than ever before. We must Secure our Border, Unleash American Energy, and Renew the Trump Tax Cuts, which were the largest in History, but we will make it even better - NO TAX ON TIPS. IT WILL ALL BE MADE UP WITH TARIFFS, AND MUCH MORE, FROM COUNTRIES THAT HAVE TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF THE U.S. FOR YEARS. Republicans must unite, and quickly deliver these Historic Victories for the American People. Get smart, tough, and send the Bill to my desk to sign as soon as possible. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
    0 評論 ·0 股票 ·328 視圖 ·0 點評
  • BREAKING: If Julian Assange went on the Joe Rogan podcast to EXPOSE corruption, shady backroom deals, and even reveal the infamous EPSTEIN LIST?


    If YES, I’ll follow you back!
    BREAKING: If Julian Assange went on the Joe Rogan podcast to EXPOSE corruption, shady backroom deals, and even reveal the infamous EPSTEIN LIST? WOULD YOU WATCH IT? If YES, I’ll follow you back!
    0 評論 ·0 股票 ·520 視圖 ·0 點評