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人生的道路不會總是一帆風順,坎坷與挫折是我們成長的必修課。但只要我們相信每一次跌倒都是為了更好地站起,勇敢地面對困難,不斷地挑戰自我,就一定能夠在風雨之後見到絢麗的彩虹,實現自己的人生價值。讓我們懷揣著堅定的信念,在人生的征途上披荊斬棘,書寫屬於自己的輝煌篇章。人生恰似一場充滿未知與挑戰的漫長征途,坎坷如影隨形。從我們蹣跚學步時的初次跌倒,到在學業、事業、情感等各方面遭遇的挫折,這些坎坷時刻不斷考驗著我們的意志。或許是在高考的考場上發揮失常,與心儀的大學失之交臂;或許是在職場中,因一個重要項目的失敗而錯失晉升機會;又或許是在一段親密關係裡,因誤解和爭吵而分道揚鑣。這些跌倒的瞬間,往往伴隨著痛苦、失落與自我懷疑,讓我們一度陷入黑暗的深淵。 然而,我們必須明白,每一次跌倒都是命運給予我們成長的契機。就像籃球巨星邁克爾・喬丹,他在高中時甚至沒能入選校籃球隊,這對一個熱愛籃球的少年來說,無疑是沉重的打擊。但這次跌倒並沒有讓他放棄,反而激發了他內心深處的斗志。他更加刻苦地訓練,不斷提升自己的球技和身體素質。在之後的職業生涯中,他多次帶領球隊奪得總冠軍,成為了籃球史上的傳奇人物。正是那次被拒絕的經歷,讓他深刻認識到自己的不足,從而有了前進的方向和動力,實現了從平凡到偉大的蛻變。 在商業領域,馬雲創建阿里巴巴的過程也並非一帆風順。他曾四處碰壁,多次被投資者拒絕,甚至連員工都難以招募。但馬雲始終堅信互聯網在中國有著巨大的發展潛力,他沒有被這些挫折打倒,而是從每一次失敗中吸取教訓,不斷調整商業模式和運營策略。經過多年的努力,阿里巴巴逐漸發展壯大,成為全球知名的電子商務企業。馬雲的成功告訴我們,跌倒並不可怕,關鍵是要學會從失敗中總結經驗,讓跌倒成為我們走向成功的墊腳石。 當我們在人生道路上跌倒時,首先要保持冷靜,接受失敗的事實,不要陷入過度的自責和沮喪之中。然後,我們要認真反思跌倒的原因,是自身能力的欠缺,還是外部環境的影響,亦或是決策的失誤?只有找到了問題的根源,我們才能有針對性地進行改進和提升。最後,我們要鼓起勇氣,重新站起來,朝著目標堅定地前行。每一次跌倒後的重新站起,都意味著我們離成功又近了一步。 人生的道路不會總是一帆風順,坎坷與挫折是我們成長的必修課。但只要我們相信每一次跌倒都是為了更好地站起,勇敢地面對困難,不斷地挑戰自我,就一定能夠在風雨之後見到絢麗的彩虹,實現自己的人生價值。讓我們懷揣著堅定的信念,在人生的征途上披荊斬棘,書寫屬於自己的輝煌篇章。0 評論 ·0 股票 ·67 視圖 ·0 點評 -
在人生這趟充滿未知的漫長旅途 中,我們常常會陷入迷茫與困境。有時,是工作上的巨大壓力,項目 的截止日期迫在眉睫,而進展卻舉步維艱,仿佛置身於黑暗的迷宮,找不到出口;有時,是生活裡的瑣碎煩惱,家庭的矛盾、經濟的負擔,讓我們身心俱疲,對未來失去信心。這些時刻,我們就像在黑夜中迷失方向的行者,孤獨又無助。
然而,當我們在黑暗中感到彷徨時,不妨抬起頭來,仰望星空。那浩瀚無垠的星空,繁星閃爍,每 一顆星星都像是宇宙給予我們的啟示。它們在夜空中閃耀,穿越了無盡的時空,將微弱卻堅定的光芒送到我們眼前。在古代,航海者們依靠星星辨別方向,在茫茫大海中找到前行的道路;如今,星空依然有著獨特的力量,它能讓我們在忙碌與焦慮中暫時抽離,回歸內心的寧靜,重新審視自己的生活與方向。
所以,下次當你被生活的壓力壓得喘不過氣,當你在黑暗中迷失方向時,不要忘記抬頭看看星空。它會用那永恆的光芒,驅散你心中的陰霾,為你指引前行的方向。讓我們跟隨星空的指引,勇敢地邁出腳步,去追尋屬於自己的夢想,在人生的道路上綻放屬於自己的光芒。在人生這趟充滿未知的漫長旅途 中,我們常常會陷入迷茫與困境。有時,是工作上的巨大壓力,項目 的截止日期迫在眉睫,而進展卻舉步維艱,仿佛置身於黑暗的迷宮,找不到出口;有時,是生活裡的瑣碎煩惱,家庭的矛盾、經濟的負擔,讓我們身心俱疲,對未來失去信心。這些時刻,我們就像在黑夜中迷失方向的行者,孤獨又無助。 然而,當我們在黑暗中感到彷徨時,不妨抬起頭來,仰望星空。那浩瀚無垠的星空,繁星閃爍,每 一顆星星都像是宇宙給予我們的啟示。它們在夜空中閃耀,穿越了無盡的時空,將微弱卻堅定的光芒送到我們眼前。在古代,航海者們依靠星星辨別方向,在茫茫大海中找到前行的道路;如今,星空依然有著獨特的力量,它能讓我們在忙碌與焦慮中暫時抽離,回歸內心的寧靜,重新審視自己的生活與方向。 著名物理學家斯蒂芬・霍金,一生都在與漸凍症頑強抗爭。身體的逐漸癱瘓讓他的行動和表達都受到極大限制,但他從未放棄對宇宙的探索。在那些艱難的日子裡,他或許也常常仰望星空,從那神秘的宇宙中汲取靈感與力量。他憑藉著超乎常人的毅力和對科學的熱愛,在輪椅上提出了黑洞理論等一系列開創性的學說,為人類認識宇宙打開了新的大門。對霍金而言,星空不僅是他研究的對象,更是他在困境中堅持下去的精神支柱,引領他在科學的道路上不斷前行。 當我們在生活中遭遇挫折,覺得自己孤立無援時,星空也在默默地陪伴著我們。它讓我們明白,我們所經歷的困難,在浩瀚的宇宙面前,不過是短暫的一瞬。那些閃爍的星星,就像是希望的火種,提醒著我們不要放棄。無論生活多麼艱難,總有一束光在前方等待著我們,只要我們懷揣著希望,堅定信念,就一定能夠找到屬於自己的路。 所以,下次當你被生活的壓力壓得喘不過氣,當你在黑暗中迷失方向時,不要忘記抬頭看看星空。它會用那永恆的光芒,驅散你心中的陰霾,為你指引前行的方向。讓我們跟隨星空的指引,勇敢地邁出腳步,去追尋屬於自己的夢想,在人生的道路上綻放屬於自己的光芒。0 評論 ·0 股票 ·66 視圖 ·0 點評 -
人生的道路上,風雨與陽光總是交替出現。每一次失敗都是一次成長的契機,它讓我們在挫折中不斷磨礪自己,變得更加堅強。正如愛默生所說:“每一種挫折或不利的突變,是帶著同樣或較大的有利的種子。” 巴爾扎克也講過,“挫折就像一塊石頭,對於弱者來說是絆腳石,讓你卻步不前;而對於強者來說卻是墊腳石,使你站得更高。” 當我們經歷了風雨的洗禮,再次抬頭,會發現那道雨後的彩虹是如此的耀眼奪目。而我們,也在失敗的錘煉下,成為了更好的自己。所以,不要害怕失敗,勇敢地去迎接挑戰,因為風雨後的彩虹更耀眼,失敗後的你更堅強。讓我們懷揣著堅定的信念,在人生的舞台上綻放屬於自己的光芒。
英文版本在人生這幅波瀾壯闊的畫卷中,失敗是難以避免的灰暗筆觸。每個人都有過被失敗的陰霾籠罩的時刻,那種滋味並不好受。或許是為了一場重要考試日夜苦讀,結果卻不盡人意;或許是投入大量心血創業,卻因市場的瞬息萬變而功虧一簣;又或許是在追求夢想的道路上,遭遇了來自各方的質疑與否定,讓前行的腳步變得沉重。失敗帶來的沮喪、失落與自我懷疑,如同冰冷的潮水,將我們層層包裹。 但請相信,風雨過後,必有絢麗的彩虹;失敗之後,你會變得更加堅強。就像籃球巨星邁克爾・喬丹,他在高中時甚至沒能入選校籃球隊,這無疑是一次沉重的失敗。然而,這次失敗並沒有擊垮他,反而激發了他內心深處的鬥志。他沒有抱怨命運的不公,而是把失敗當作成長的階梯,通過不斷地刻苦訓練,提升自己的球技和心理素質。在之後的職業生涯中,他多次帶領球隊奪得總冠軍,成為了籃球史上的傳奇人物。正是那次失敗,讓他學會了堅韌,鑄就了他後來的輝煌。 商業領域中,馬雲創建阿里巴巴的過程同樣充滿了坎坷。他四處奔波尋找投資,卻屢屢遭到拒絕,甚至有人覺得他的想法荒誕不經。但馬雲沒有被這些失敗打倒,他從每一次挫折中總結經驗,不斷調整自己的商業策略。他堅信互聯網在中國有著巨大的發展潛力,憑藉著這份堅定的信念和頑強的毅力,他最終成功打造了全球知名的電子商務企業阿里巴巴。馬雲的經歷告訴我們,失敗並不可怕,它是成功路上的墊腳石,只要我們能從失敗中汲取力量,就一定能夠實現自己的目標。 當我們遭遇失敗時,首先要正視它,不要逃避,也不要沉浸在痛苦中無法自拔。我們要靜下心來,分析失敗的原因,是自身能力的不足,還是外部環境的影響,亦或是決策的失誤。只有找到了問題的根源,我們才能有針對性地進行改進和提升。其次,要保持積極樂觀的心態,相信自己有克服困難的能力。失敗只是暫時的,它是生活給予我們的一次磨礪,讓我們在挫折中學會成長。最後,要付諸行動,將從失敗中汲取的經驗教訓轉化為實際行動,勇敢地再次嘗試,向著目標堅定地前行。 人生的道路上,風雨與陽光總是交替出現。每一次失敗都是一次成長的契機,它讓我們在挫折中不斷磨礪自己,變得更加堅強。正如愛默生所說:“每一種挫折或不利的突變,是帶著同樣或較大的有利的種子。” 巴爾扎克也講過,“挫折就像一塊石頭,對於弱者來說是絆腳石,讓你卻步不前;而對於強者來說卻是墊腳石,使你站得更高。” 當我們經歷了風雨的洗禮,再次抬頭,會發現那道雨後的彩虹是如此的耀眼奪目。而我們,也在失敗的錘煉下,成為了更好的自己。所以,不要害怕失敗,勇敢地去迎接挑戰,因為風雨後的彩虹更耀眼,失敗後的你更堅強。讓我們懷揣著堅定的信念,在人生的舞台上綻放屬於自己的光芒。 英文版本0 評論 ·0 股票 ·62 視圖 ·0 點評 -
在人生的漫漫征途 中,挫折如影隨形,是每個人都無法迴避的挑戰。它可能是一次重要面試的失利,原本志在必得的工作機會悄然溜走;可能是精心籌備的藝術展覽無人問津,滿心的期待瞬間落空;也可能是科研項目遭遇瓶頸,無數次實驗都得不到理想的結果。這些挫折帶來的失望與沮喪,往往讓我們在黑暗中徘徊,對未來感到迷茫,甚至懷疑自己的能力,信心也隨之逐漸消散。
挫折是人生的必修課,它能讓我們在困境中磨練意志,在挑戰中提升能力。當我們勇敢地面對挫折,努力在挫折中成長時,曾經熄滅的信心必將重新點燃。讓我們懷揣著這份重新燃起的信心,堅定地邁向未來,去迎接生活中的每一個挑戰,去創造屬於自己的輝煌。在人生的漫漫征途 中,挫折如影隨形,是每個人都無法迴避的挑戰。它可能是一次重要面試的失利,原本志在必得的工作機會悄然溜走;可能是精心籌備的藝術展覽無人問津,滿心的期待瞬間落空;也可能是科研項目遭遇瓶頸,無數次實驗都得不到理想的結果。這些挫折帶來的失望與沮喪,往往讓我們在黑暗中徘徊,對未來感到迷茫,甚至懷疑自己的能力,信心也隨之逐漸消散。 然而,挫折並非是不可逾越的鴻溝,它更是我們成長的契機。每一次挫折都是生活給予我們的一次考驗,也是一次學習和進步的機會。當我們在挫折中靜下心來,認真反思自己的行為和決策時,就能發現自身的不足和問題所在。就像著名科學家愛迪生,在發明電燈的過程中,他遭遇了上千次的失敗。但他沒有被挫折打倒,而是把每一次失敗都當作是向成功靠近一步。他仔細分析實驗中的問題,不斷改進燈絲材料和燈泡結構,最終成功發明了電燈,為人類帶來了光明。正是在這些挫折中,愛迪生不斷成長,他的堅持和努力也讓他對成功充滿信心。 在體育界,拳王阿里也是在挫折中成長的典範。他在職業生涯中多次遭遇強勁對手,有過失敗的經歷。但每一次失敗後,他都會深入分析自己在比賽中的弱點,加強針對性的訓練。這些挫折不僅沒有削弱他的信心,反而讓他更加堅定自己的目標,激發了他內心深處的鬥志。最終,他成為了拳擊史上的傳奇人物。 當我們身處挫折之中,首先要學會接受現實,不要逃避或抗拒。只有直面挫折,我們才能真正開始成長。其次,要積極尋找解決問題的方法,通過學習新知識、提升技能,彌補自己的不足。同時,我們要保持積極樂觀的心態,相信自己有克服困難的能力。可以多與身邊的朋友、家人交流,從他們那裡獲得支持和鼓勵。每一次克服挫折的過程,都是我們成長的寶貴經歷,也會讓我們的信心逐漸恢復。 挫折是人生的必修課,它能讓我們在困境中磨練意志,在挑戰中提升能力。當我們勇敢地面對挫折,努力在挫折中成長時,曾經熄滅的信心必將重新點燃。讓我們懷揣著這份重新燃起的信心,堅定地邁向未來,去迎接生活中的每一個挑戰,去創造屬於自己的輝煌。0 評論 ·0 股票 ·60 視圖 ·0 點評 -
On the long journey of life, setbacks are always with us and are challenges that no one can avoid. It may be the failure in an important job interview, with the job opportunity that was originally within reach slipping away quietly; it may be that a carefully - prepared art exhibition attracts no attention, and the full - hearted anticipation is instantly dashed; or it may be that a scientific research project hits a bottleneck, and countless experiments fail to yield the desired results. The disappointment and frustration brought by these setbacks often make us wander in the dark, feel confused about the future, and even doubt our own abilities, and our confidence gradually dissipates.
However, setbacks are not insurmountable chasms. Instead, they are opportunities for our growth. Every setback is a test given to us by life and also an opportunity for learning and progress. When we calm down in the face of setbacks and seriously reflect on our behaviors and decisions, we can discover our own deficiencies and problems. Take the famous scientist Thomas Edison as an example. In the process of inventing the electric light, he encountered thousands of failures. But he was not defeated by setbacks. Instead, he regarded each failure as a step closer to success. He carefully analyzed the problems in the experiments and continuously improved the filament materials and the bulb structure. Eventually, he successfully invented the electric light, bringing light to humanity. It was precisely in these setbacks that Edison kept growing, and his perseverance and efforts also filled him with confidence in success.
In the sports world, boxing champion Muhammad Ali is also a model of growing in setbacks. He faced many strong opponents in his career and had experiences of failure. But after each failure, he would deeply analyze his weaknesses in the matches and strengthen targeted training. These setbacks not only did not weaken his confidence but also made him more determined in his goals and inspired the fighting spirit deep inside him. Eventually, he became a legend in boxing history.
When we are in the midst of setbacks, first, we must learn to accept the reality and not avoid or resist. Only by facing setbacks directly can we truly start to grow. Second, we should actively look for solutions to problems, and make up for our deficiencies by learning new knowledge and improving skills. At the same time, we should maintain a positive and optimistic attitude and believe in our ability to overcome difficulties. We can communicate more with our friends and family around us to get support and encouragement from them. Every process of overcoming setbacks is a precious experience for our growth and will also gradually restore our confidence.
Setbacks are a compulsory course in life. They can make us temper our will in difficult situations and improve our abilities in challenges. When we bravely face setbacks and strive to grow in them, the confidence that once went out will surely be rekindled. Let us carry this rekindled confidence, firmly move towards the future, meet every challenge in life, and create our own glory.On the long journey of life, setbacks are always with us and are challenges that no one can avoid. It may be the failure in an important job interview, with the job opportunity that was originally within reach slipping away quietly; it may be that a carefully - prepared art exhibition attracts no attention, and the full - hearted anticipation is instantly dashed; or it may be that a scientific research project hits a bottleneck, and countless experiments fail to yield the desired results. The disappointment and frustration brought by these setbacks often make us wander in the dark, feel confused about the future, and even doubt our own abilities, and our confidence gradually dissipates. However, setbacks are not insurmountable chasms. Instead, they are opportunities for our growth. Every setback is a test given to us by life and also an opportunity for learning and progress. When we calm down in the face of setbacks and seriously reflect on our behaviors and decisions, we can discover our own deficiencies and problems. Take the famous scientist Thomas Edison as an example. In the process of inventing the electric light, he encountered thousands of failures. But he was not defeated by setbacks. Instead, he regarded each failure as a step closer to success. He carefully analyzed the problems in the experiments and continuously improved the filament materials and the bulb structure. Eventually, he successfully invented the electric light, bringing light to humanity. It was precisely in these setbacks that Edison kept growing, and his perseverance and efforts also filled him with confidence in success. In the sports world, boxing champion Muhammad Ali is also a model of growing in setbacks. He faced many strong opponents in his career and had experiences of failure. But after each failure, he would deeply analyze his weaknesses in the matches and strengthen targeted training. These setbacks not only did not weaken his confidence but also made him more determined in his goals and inspired the fighting spirit deep inside him. Eventually, he became a legend in boxing history. When we are in the midst of setbacks, first, we must learn to accept the reality and not avoid or resist. Only by facing setbacks directly can we truly start to grow. Second, we should actively look for solutions to problems, and make up for our deficiencies by learning new knowledge and improving skills. At the same time, we should maintain a positive and optimistic attitude and believe in our ability to overcome difficulties. We can communicate more with our friends and family around us to get support and encouragement from them. Every process of overcoming setbacks is a precious experience for our growth and will also gradually restore our confidence. Setbacks are a compulsory course in life. They can make us temper our will in difficult situations and improve our abilities in challenges. When we bravely face setbacks and strive to grow in them, the confidence that once went out will surely be rekindled. Let us carry this rekindled confidence, firmly move towards the future, meet every challenge in life, and create our own glory.0 評論 ·0 股票 ·113 視圖 ·0 點評 -
In the magnificent picture of life, failure is an inevitable gloomy stroke. Everyone has moments when they are shrouded in the haze of failure, and it doesn't feel good. Perhaps you have studied day and night for an important exam, but the result is not satisfactory; perhaps you have put a lot of effort into starting a business, but it fails due to the rapidly changing market; or perhaps on the way to pursue your dreams, you have encountered doubts and denials from all sides, making your steps forward heavy. The frustration, loss, and self - doubt brought by failure are like cold tides, wrapping us layer by layer.
But believe that after the storm, there will surely be a gorgeous rainbow; after failure, you will become stronger. Take Michael Jordan, the basketball superstar, as an example. He didn't even make the high - school basketball team when he was in high school, which was undoubtedly a heavy failure. However, this failure didn't defeat him. Instead, it inspired the fighting spirit deep inside him. He didn't complain about the unfairness of fate but regarded failure as a ladder to growth. Through continuous hard training, he improved his basketball skills and mental qualities. In his subsequent career, he led his team to win championships many times and became a legend in basketball history. It was precisely that failure that made him learn perseverance and 铸就 his later glory.
In the business field, the process of Jack Ma founding Alibaba was also full of hardships. He traveled around to seek investment but was repeatedly rejected. Some even thought his ideas were absurd. But Jack Ma was not defeated by these failures. He summarized experience from each setback and continuously adjusted his business strategies. He firmly believed that the Internet had great development potential in China. With this firm belief and tenacious perseverance, he finally successfully built Alibaba, a globally renowned e - commerce enterprise. Jack Ma's experience tells us that failure is not terrible. It is a stepping - stone on the road to success. As long as we can draw strength from failure, we will surely be able to achieve our goals.
When we encounter failure, first, we must face it squarely. Don't avoid it or immerse ourselves in pain and be unable to extricate ourselves. We should calm down and analyze the reasons for failure. Is it due to our own lack of ability, the influence of the external environment, or a wrong decision - making? Only by finding the root of the problem can we make targeted improvements and enhancements. Secondly, we should maintain a positive and optimistic attitude and believe in our ability to overcome difficulties. Failure is only temporary. It is a kind of tempering given to us by life, allowing us to learn and grow in setbacks. Finally, we must take action, transform the experience and lessons learned from failure into practical actions, bravely try again, and move forward firmly towards our goals.
On the road of life, wind, rain, and sunshine always alternate. Every failure is an opportunity for growth, which makes us constantly temper ourselves in setbacks and become stronger. As Emerson said, "Every 挫折 or adverse mutation comes with the same or greater beneficial seeds." Balzac also said, "挫折 is like a stone. For the weak, it is a stumbling block that stops you from moving forward; for the strong, it is a stepping - stone that makes you stand higher." When we have experienced the baptism of wind and rain and look up again, we will find that the rainbow after the rain is so dazzling. And we, too, have become better ourselves under the tempering of failure. So, don't be afraid of failure. Bravely meet the challenges, because the rainbow after the storm is more dazzling, and you are stronger after failure. Let us carry firm beliefs and shine our own light on the stage of life.In the magnificent picture of life, failure is an inevitable gloomy stroke. Everyone has moments when they are shrouded in the haze of failure, and it doesn't feel good. Perhaps you have studied day and night for an important exam, but the result is not satisfactory; perhaps you have put a lot of effort into starting a business, but it fails due to the rapidly changing market; or perhaps on the way to pursue your dreams, you have encountered doubts and denials from all sides, making your steps forward heavy. The frustration, loss, and self - doubt brought by failure are like cold tides, wrapping us layer by layer. But believe that after the storm, there will surely be a gorgeous rainbow; after failure, you will become stronger. Take Michael Jordan, the basketball superstar, as an example. He didn't even make the high - school basketball team when he was in high school, which was undoubtedly a heavy failure. However, this failure didn't defeat him. Instead, it inspired the fighting spirit deep inside him. He didn't complain about the unfairness of fate but regarded failure as a ladder to growth. Through continuous hard training, he improved his basketball skills and mental qualities. In his subsequent career, he led his team to win championships many times and became a legend in basketball history. It was precisely that failure that made him learn perseverance and 铸就 his later glory. In the business field, the process of Jack Ma founding Alibaba was also full of hardships. He traveled around to seek investment but was repeatedly rejected. Some even thought his ideas were absurd. But Jack Ma was not defeated by these failures. He summarized experience from each setback and continuously adjusted his business strategies. He firmly believed that the Internet had great development potential in China. With this firm belief and tenacious perseverance, he finally successfully built Alibaba, a globally renowned e - commerce enterprise. Jack Ma's experience tells us that failure is not terrible. It is a stepping - stone on the road to success. As long as we can draw strength from failure, we will surely be able to achieve our goals. When we encounter failure, first, we must face it squarely. Don't avoid it or immerse ourselves in pain and be unable to extricate ourselves. We should calm down and analyze the reasons for failure. Is it due to our own lack of ability, the influence of the external environment, or a wrong decision - making? Only by finding the root of the problem can we make targeted improvements and enhancements. Secondly, we should maintain a positive and optimistic attitude and believe in our ability to overcome difficulties. Failure is only temporary. It is a kind of tempering given to us by life, allowing us to learn and grow in setbacks. Finally, we must take action, transform the experience and lessons learned from failure into practical actions, bravely try again, and move forward firmly towards our goals. On the road of life, wind, rain, and sunshine always alternate. Every failure is an opportunity for growth, which makes us constantly temper ourselves in setbacks and become stronger. As Emerson said, "Every 挫折 or adverse mutation comes with the same or greater beneficial seeds." Balzac also said, "挫折 is like a stone. For the weak, it is a stumbling block that stops you from moving forward; for the strong, it is a stepping - stone that makes you stand higher." When we have experienced the baptism of wind and rain and look up again, we will find that the rainbow after the rain is so dazzling. And we, too, have become better ourselves under the tempering of failure. So, don't be afraid of failure. Bravely meet the challenges, because the rainbow after the storm is more dazzling, and you are stronger after failure. Let us carry firm beliefs and shine our own light on the stage of life.0 評論 ·0 股票 ·163 視圖 ·0 點評