• 吃點啥呢~開飯啦
    吃點啥呢~開飯啦🍲🦐🍅 養胃湯❗️❗️有健脾養胃的功效同時也可以緩解胃痛改善消化不良,味道一級贊👍 ✔️食材準備 1豬肚600克➕蓮子100克➕薏仁米100克➕100克綠豆➕蔥段、姜片少許 ✔️做法 2豬肚用鹽和面粉反復搓洗3遍直至干凈➕豬肚冷水下鍋加入蔥段姜片少許料酒煮出浮末撈出切絲➕蓮子、薏米、綠豆洗凈泡著備用 3起鍋燒油放蔥姜爆香后倒入豬肚翻炒➕倒入開水末過豬肚即可(ps:一定要加熱水,這樣煮出來的湯會比較濃白)➕水開后倒入蓮子、綠豆、薏米小火燉煮1個小時➕出鍋前加鹽和白胡椒粉調味即可❗️味道鮮美😋😋
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  • 連骨頭都不想放過的香油雞,香迷糊了!!
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  • 我會點贊的
    我會點贊的 👍
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  • 過幾天準備迎接228連假,不過從年初就開始流行的流感、諾羅病毒持續延燒,對此,台北市立聯合醫院陽明院區胸腔內科醫師蘇一峰在臉書表示,面對諾羅病毒,洗手是最好的辦法,酒精無法殺諾羅病毒,噴完酒精還是會傳染。




    過幾天準備迎接228連假,不過從年初就開始流行的流感、諾羅病毒持續延燒,對此,台北市立聯合醫院陽明院區胸腔內科醫師蘇一峰在臉書表示,面對諾羅病毒,洗手是最好的辦法,酒精無法殺諾羅病毒,噴完酒精還是會傳染。 蘇一峰醫師表示,只要吃入十百隻病毒就會被傳染,而生病者嘔吐就能噴出千萬隻以上的病毒。目前高雄區域停水兩天,這幾天要特別小心諾羅病毒,不要以為只要使用酒精噴消就沒事了。 疾管署日前表示,國內今(2025)年第7週(2月9日至2月15日)腹瀉門急診就診28萬5442人次,較前一週30萬6567人次下降6.9%,仍為近5年(2021至2025年)同期最高;另全國近四週(第4週至第7週)共接獲390起腹瀉群聚通報案件,亦為近5年同期最高,發生場所以餐飲旅宿業最多,其中病原體檢驗陽性案件計214起,以檢出諾羅病毒(211件,占98.6%)為多。 疾管署指出,近期腹瀉群聚案件檢出病原以諾羅病毒為多,其傳染力強,任何年齡層都可能因食入被病毒污染的食物或飲水、手部接觸受污染的物品、與病人密切接觸或吸入病人嘔吐物及排泄物所產生的飛沫而感染,潛伏期約10-50小時,主要症狀為水瀉及嘔吐等腸胃道症狀,也可能有噁心、發燒、頭痛、腹部痙攣、胃痛等情形,症狀可持續1至10天,病程長短取決於所感染的病原種類及個人的免疫力,小於5歲的幼兒、老人及免疫力較差者症狀會較嚴重。 疾管署呼籲,民眾如廁後、進食或準備食物前應正確洗手;烹製菜餚應注意食品衛生,生熟食應分開處理,食物徹底煮熟再食用。民眾如有疑似症狀應在家休息,至症狀解除至少48小時後再恢復上學或工作,如需外出應配戴口罩,避免傳染他人。
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  • 林書豪:從小打球時,因為我是亞洲人,對手總會叫我姚明。當時我心裡想,我是我自己,不是姚明,我是一名控球後衛。我討厭被別人定義,只想靠自己的實力讓大家認識真正的我。
    Growing up, being Asian and playing basketball, I would always get called Yao Ming by opponents. Back then, I’d think, I’m my own player, I’m nothing like Yao, I’m a point guard. I hated not getting to define my own identity and just wanted to be known for myself.
    A few days ago, I got to share this story with Yao in the room. As much as I hated being compared, I also know how much he inspired me and how exciting it was to see someone Asian dominate at the highest level. He paved the way, carried the weight of being the Asian player in the league. Because of him, the door cracked open even more for me to step through. He was the first one to invite me to an official event - his charity game - after I joined the NBA.
    I imagine a league where seeing Asian hoopers isn’t rare, where representation isn’t the exception but just a part of the game.
    Much respect to Yao. Thank you for everything you’ve done for the game, for me, for us.
    #yaoming #pioneer #Respect
    林書豪:從小打球時,因為我是亞洲人,對手總會叫我姚明。當時我心裡想,我是我自己,不是姚明,我是一名控球後衛。我討厭被別人定義,只想靠自己的實力讓大家認識真正的我。 幾天前,我終於有機會在姚明面前分享這個故事。雖然當年不喜歡被比較,但我也知道,他曾經帶給我的激勵有多大,能看到一位亞洲球員在最高殿堂站穩腳跟是多麼讓人振奮。他為我們闖出一條路,扛下了作為聯盟唯一亞洲球員的重量。因為他,那扇門被推開得更大,讓我有機會踏進去。他也是第一個在我進NBA後邀請我參加官方活動的人→他的慈善賽。 我期待有一天,亞洲球員在聯盟裡不再是少數,代表性不再是例外,而是籃球世界裡自然的一部分。 向姚明致敬,感謝你為籃球、為我、為我們所做的一切。 Growing up, being Asian and playing basketball, I would always get called Yao Ming by opponents. Back then, I’d think, I’m my own player, I’m nothing like Yao, I’m a point guard. I hated not getting to define my own identity and just wanted to be known for myself. A few days ago, I got to share this story with Yao in the room. As much as I hated being compared, I also know how much he inspired me and how exciting it was to see someone Asian dominate at the highest level. He paved the way, carried the weight of being the Asian player in the league. Because of him, the door cracked open even more for me to step through. He was the first one to invite me to an official event - his charity game - after I joined the NBA. I imagine a league where seeing Asian hoopers isn’t rare, where representation isn’t the exception but just a part of the game. Much respect to Yao. Thank you for everything you’ve done for the game, for me, for us. #yaoming #pioneer #Respect
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  • Neck support pillows

    5.0 (1 Reviews)
    Neck support pillows 62 41 11cm

    Neck Support: These pillows are designed to provide proper alignment of the neck and spine, helping to reduce tension and discomfort in the cervical area.

    Traction Benefits: The traction feature helps to gently stretch the neck muscles and relieve pressure on the cervical spine, promoting better posture and relaxation.

    Soft and Comfortable: Made with feather cotton, these pillows are soft and plush, offering a cozy sleeping experience while still providing necessary support.

    Lightweight: Feather cotton pillows are lightweight and easy to adjust, making them convenient for travel or moving around.

    Breathability: The materials used allow for good airflow, helping to keep the pillow cool and comfortable throughout the night.

    Hypoallergenic Properties: Many feather cotton pillows are designed to be hypoallergenic, making them suitable for individuals with allergies.

    Versatile Use: These pillows can be used in various sleeping positions, accommodating side, back, and stomach sleepers effectively.

    Easy Maintenance: Most feather cotton pillows come with removable covers that can be washed, ensuring cleanliness and hygiene.
    Neck support pillows 62 41 11cm Neck Support: These pillows are designed to provide proper alignment of the neck and spine, helping to reduce tension and discomfort in the cervical area. Traction Benefits: The traction feature helps to gently stretch the neck muscles and relieve pressure on the cervical spine, promoting better posture and relaxation. Soft and Comfortable: Made with feather cotton, these pillows are soft and plush, offering a cozy sleeping experience while still providing necessary support. Lightweight: Feather cotton pillows are lightweight and easy to adjust, making them convenient for travel or moving around. Breathability: The materials used allow for good airflow, helping to keep the pillow cool and comfortable throughout the night. Hypoallergenic Properties: Many feather cotton pillows are designed to be hypoallergenic, making them suitable for individuals with allergies. Versatile Use: These pillows can be used in various sleeping positions, accommodating side, back, and stomach sleepers effectively. Easy Maintenance: Most feather cotton pillows come with removable covers that can be washed, ensuring cleanliness and hygiene.
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  • Memory foam back cushion

    5.0 (1 Reviews)
    Memory foam back cushion 44 38 12cm

    Support: They provide excellent lumbar support, conforming to the natural curvature of the spine, which helps maintain proper posture.
    Pressure Relief: The foam distributes body weight evenly, reducing pressure points and alleviating discomfort during prolonged sitting.
    Comfort: Memory foam is known for its soft, plush feel, making it comfortable to sit on for extended periods.
    Durability: High-quality memory foam cushions are durable and retain their shape over time, providing long-lasting support.
    Versatility: They can be used in various settings, including office chairs, car seats, and home furniture, enhancing comfort wherever you sit.
    Hypoallergenic: Many memory foam products are resistant to dust mites and allergens, making them suitable for people with allergies.
    Temperature Sensitivity: Some memory foam cushions are designed to be temperature-sensitive, adapting to body heat for an even more personalized comfort experience.
    Memory foam back cushion 44 38 12cm Support: They provide excellent lumbar support, conforming to the natural curvature of the spine, which helps maintain proper posture. Pressure Relief: The foam distributes body weight evenly, reducing pressure points and alleviating discomfort during prolonged sitting. Comfort: Memory foam is known for its soft, plush feel, making it comfortable to sit on for extended periods. Durability: High-quality memory foam cushions are durable and retain their shape over time, providing long-lasting support. Versatility: They can be used in various settings, including office chairs, car seats, and home furniture, enhancing comfort wherever you sit. Hypoallergenic: Many memory foam products are resistant to dust mites and allergens, making them suitable for people with allergies. Temperature Sensitivity: Some memory foam cushions are designed to be temperature-sensitive, adapting to body heat for an even more personalized comfort experience.
    In stock ·New
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  • 牵头全国重点实验室和共建全国重点实验室的主要区别在于主导权和责任分配:

    1. 牵头全国重点实验室




    2. 共建全国重点实验室






    牵头全国重点实验室和共建全国重点实验室的主要区别在于主导权和责任分配: 1. 牵头全国重点实验室 主导权:由单一机构(如高校、科研院所或企业)主导,负责实验室的总体规划、管理和运营。 资源投入:牵头单位承担主要资源投入,包括资金、设备和人员。 责任:牵头单位对实验室的研究方向、成果产出及日常管理负主要责任。 独立性:牵头单位在决策和运营上拥有较高自主权。 2. 共建全国重点实验室 合作模式:由多个机构(如高校、科研院所、企业等)共同建设和管理,各方在资源、技术和人才上协作。 资源投入:各共建单位按协议分担资源投入,责任和利益共享。 责任:各方共同承担实验室的管理和运营责任,决策通常通过协商进行。 协作性:强调合作与资源共享,决策过程需多方协调。 总结 牵头实验室:单一机构主导,自主权高,责任集中。 共建实验室:多方合作,资源共享,责任共担,决策需协商。 选择牵头或共建取决于研究目标、资源状况及合作需求。
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